Grand Ledge, MI Auto Service Shops

Find a local auto service shop in Grand Ledge below. Select from the list of shops below. We provide:

- Repair estimate costs
- Shop specialties and type of repairs at the shop
- Crowd Sourced information/reviews on the shops from actual clients

Gary's Auto

854 W Jefferson St
Grand Ledge, MI - 48837
(517) 627-9304

Dwd Garage Doors Openers

1080 Brookside Dr
Grand Ledge, MI - 48837
(517) 627-2956

Foreign Car Svc

641 W Jefferson St
Grand Ledge, MI - 48837
(517) 627-3846

Waverly Auto Center Inc

7865 Jon Scott Dr
Grand Ledge, MI - 48837
(517) 626-6783

Freeborough Automotive Inc

5677 E Saginaw Hwy
Grand Ledge, MI - 48837
(517) 622-7890

More Auto Service Shops

Due to the small amount of auto serice shops in Grand Ledge, we have listed some area listings below. In our search we do not limit the listings by state.

Keusch Tire & Towing

15113 S Wright Rd
Eagle, MI - 48822
(517) 622-4500
Location: 3.95 miles from Grand Ledge
..... click for more details..

Berryville Ford

1215 N Canal Rd
Lansing, MI - 48917
(517) 321-4486
Location: 5.14 miles from Grand Ledge
..... click for more details..

Blue Care Network

Lansing, MI - 48917
(800) 450-3680
Location: 5.26 miles from Grand Ledge
..... click for more details..

Ziebart International C...

604 N Creyts Rd
Lansing, MI - 48917
(517) 321-6969
Location: 6.15 miles from Grand Ledge
..... click for more details..

Goodyear Auto Svc Ctr

5107 W Saginaw Hwy
Lansing, MI - 48917
(517) 321-4892
Location: 7.20 miles from Grand Ledge
..... click for more details..

Auto Services

Oil Changes, Tire Relpacement/Rotation, Battery Replacement, Brakes, Wheel Alignment, Body Work, Scheduled Maintenance

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